Tasks and priorities:
During the HI running our main priority is to participate in the data-taking as much as possible and to keep the system stable and well-functioning.
Useful Documents:
- PHOS shift user manual
- PHOS DCS guide
- PHOS trigger manual (TRU , TOR configuration)
- TRU and TOR instructions
- Submission the PHOS entries in the ALICE logbook
Useful information / Links:
- Overview of active cards in PHOS
- Overview of physics runs in alice logbook
- PHOS On-call shift page
- Weekly phos meetings
- LHC beam status page
PHOS Run Coordinators:
- 11.2009 - 06.2010 - Joakim Nystrand
- 06.2010 - 12.2010 - Svein Lindal
- 08.02.2011 - 19.04.2011 - Ioury Sibiryak
- 20.04.2011 - 24.06.2011 - Alexander Vinogradov
- 25.06.2011 - 23.08.2011 - Ioury Sibiryak
- 24.08.2011 - 26.10.2011 - Alexander Vinogradov
- 27.10.2011 - 27.12.2011 - Ioury Sibiryak
- 21.02.2012 - 10.02.2013 - Henrik Qvigstad
- 01.01.2015 - ... - Yuri Kharlov / Dmitri Aleksandrov